High-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing
As part of the service that our NeuroTech Studio provides, our customers can access the brand new Illumina NextSeq 550 sequencing machine. You can choose either to upload the data to Illumina’s cloud storage or save it to the designated space on Partners’ ERISone high-performance computing cluster. For later, we will take care of your data with seamless service, from data management, data backup, data QC, downstream NGS analysis, till the final uploading to GEO/dbGap before your publication. It’s an affordable, secured, and customized service that both you and your data deserve.
Single-cell Genomics
We also provide a single-cell genomics platform: 10x Genomics CHROMIUM CONTROLLER. You can use it for Single Cell CNV, Single Cell Gene Expression, Single Cell Immune Profiling, and Single Cell ATAC.
Note that the instruments are open to every lab in BWH/MGH/DFCI. We plan to start charging but have not done it yet. Even when we do, it will not be very expensive – the main cost will be reagent kits which users must supply themselves. We currently don’t have the capacity to prepare the library for clients (we might provide this in the future).
For more information about equipment, training, and usage, please contact Dr. Lai Ding, Senior Imaging Scientist—NeuroTechnology Studio (lding@bwh.harvard.edu).
For data storage and data analysis questions, please contact Dr. Xianjun Dong, Director of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Hub (xdong@rics.bwh.harvard.edu).